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黑龙江流域地处我国高寒地区,地理环境和鱼类区系组成特殊,形成了许多特有的名贵经济鱼类,为我国的渔业经济发展做出重大贡献。本文简要概述黑龙江流域的鱼类资源、黑龙江省渔业发展现状,以及主要经济鱼类的养殖状况,分析讨论黑龙江鱼类的生物学种质特点,以及目前名优鱼类的市场需求,并针对黑龙江鱼类的开发利用提出了几点建议。  相似文献   
中国鲟鱼产业技术研发现状与展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2016年中国鲟鱼养殖产量89 773吨。鲟鱼种苗、饲料、养殖、加工及销售等环节的一些实用技术基本能满足鲟鱼产业的现实需要,但仍然存在不少问题,如种质退化问题、鱼子酱及鱼肉的品质问题、养殖过程中的氮磷排放问题。本文就中国已经形成的鲟鱼产业技术进行梳理、评述和展望。  相似文献   
Polymorphisms in the growth hormone (GH) gene that is associated with the growth rate of farmed fish have been the target of many breeding programmes. The present study aimed to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in GH gene regions to evaluate the association of SNP variations with the growth rate of two Nile tilapia: Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) strains. The targeted regions were amplified, sequenced, aligned and screened for the presence of SNPs; thereafter, performance tests were used to check for the association between SNPs and weight. Allele and genotype frequencies were estimated for each SNP and genotype. Genotype blocks or sets of SNP genotypes and frequencies were also estimated. Association between SNPs and growth rate was statistically evaluated using a univariate linear mixed model that included both fixed and random effects. A total of 10 SNPs were identified, nine in the proximal promoter and one located in the 5′ UTR, forming 10 genotype blocks. In all weight recordings, five genotype blocks were significantly associated with the highest weights. Single nucleotide polymorphisms 6‐10 were also found to be significantly associated with growth (p‐value < .05). Genotypes with higher additive genetic values for weight were identified in the Chitralada strain, suggesting a possible impact of these additive effects of the GH SNP genotype on the growth rate of Nile tilapia. These findings may be used as part of marker‐assisted selection in tilapia breeding programmes.  相似文献   
2000年来中国水产养殖发展趋势和方向   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
中国是世界最大的水产养殖国家,为全球粮食安全和营养供应做出了重要贡献。在新的社会发展阶段,中国水产养殖需要解决与粮食安全、减贫和提供就业、食品安全和环境保护等相关的复杂且敏感的问题,以期达到更加可持续地发展。本文系统综述了2000年来中国水产养殖发展趋势、存在问题和发展方向。中国水产养殖业自2000年以来获得了持续的发展,集约化水平不断提高,新增的特种养殖品种使得产业多样化水平增加,一些传统的养殖模式逐渐消失,而新的养殖技术和模式不断涌现。中国水产养殖的变化和发展响应了社会发展对水产养殖业的需求。然而中国水产养殖目前仍面临诸如生态环境、科技水平、产品供应结构、小农生产和政策风险等亟待解决的问题。随着中国社会发展和经济水平不断进步,发展水产养殖的主要侧重点也逐渐从提供食物到提供就业和发展经济,再到环境保护和食品安全。中国水产养殖业需要充分利用最新的设施装备技术、信息技术、遗传育种技术、营养饲料和病害防治技术促进水产养殖业发展,努力提高水产养殖业规模化和组织化,促进渔业“一、二、三产”协同发展,并在新形势下逐渐走向国际化和可持续发展的道路。  相似文献   
基于渔业产业现状,分析国内外在大型渔业平台、深海网箱和养殖工船方面的发展现状,提出“游弋式”养殖工船及深远海渔业的基本概念。受限于投资成本、技术发展水平等客观因素,中国深远海养殖发展速度缓慢,但近年来取得了一定的发展成效。笔者针对现阶段渔业粗放型生产方式的现状,从国家战略、渔业改革和产业需求等角度分析深远海渔业发展的必要性,认为发展以养殖工船为代表的深远海大型渔业平台是实现渔业强国之路的有效途径之一,走出一条符合中国国情的深远海渔业平台的开发之路势在必行。  相似文献   
在安徽省沿江棉区开展了油菜秸秆覆盖对棉田杂草发生、棉花生长及土壤杂草种子库影响的研究。结果表明,随着油菜秸秆覆盖量的增加,对棉田杂草的抑制效果增强。与未覆盖秸秆且不除草处理相比较,7000Kg/hm2秸秆覆盖量处理棉花单株铃数和子棉产量显著提高。7000Kg/hm2秸秆覆盖量处理在覆盖后30d、60d和120d逐步减少0-20cm土层杂草种子库密度,与全程除草剂处理较一致;随着覆盖量减少,对0-20cm土层杂草种子库密度降低幅度减小。全程除草剂处理降低0-5cm土层杂草种子库多样性,而油菜秸秆覆盖则可能增加0-5cm土层的杂草种子库多样性。3500Kg/hm2覆盖量+秸秆覆盖30d后喷施除草剂处理的抑草效果和增产效果与全程除草剂处理一致。因此,在安徽省沿江棉区油-棉连作棉田推荐使用3500Kg/hm2油菜秸秆覆盖量+秸秆覆盖30d后喷施除草剂。  相似文献   
本文对浙江省池塘养殖、滩涂养殖、浅海筏式养殖、工厂化养殖和网箱养殖等典型养殖模式 环境中铬的污染情况进行抽样调查,根据本单位开发方法对总铬和有效态铬中的两种价态铬进行测 定。结果表明,我省水产养殖环境中,水质中总铬和毒性较大的Cr6+含量较小,均在《生活饮用水卫 生标准》(0.05mg/L)限量标准以下,未发现超出渔业水质标准的情况。  相似文献   
为达到农药减施增效的目的,将6种喷雾助剂(强力源、柔水通、有机硅、阿普顿、怀农特、倍创)与3种药剂(70%吡虫啉水分散粒剂、5%阿维菌素乳油、1.3%苦参碱水剂)混配,测定混配后药液的表面张力和接触角变化,分析药液表面张力和接触角的关系。结果表明,添加不同质量浓度的6种喷雾助剂均能降低药液的表面张力,其中,有机硅、强力源、怀农特降低3种药剂表面张力的效果最好,柔水通、阿普顿次之,倍创效果最差。有机硅、柔水通、强力源、怀农特降低3种药剂接触角的效果最好,阿普顿次之,倍创效果最差。分析了3种药剂在添加不同质量浓度的6种喷雾助剂后药液的表面张力与接触角余弦值的关系,结果显示,二者呈显著(P<0.05)负相关关系。综上,合理选用喷雾助剂有助于提高农药的利用率。研究结果可为田间施药和进一步研发喷雾助剂提供数据支持。  相似文献   
The effect of three mono‐specific and four combinations of the diatoms Chaetoceros muelleri, Chaetoceros calcitrans, and the chlorophyte Tetraselmis suecica on survival, development, and dry weight of the western school prawn, Metapenaeus dalli, was assessed from protozoea I until mysis I. The development and dry weight of larvae were significantly greater when fed diets comprising C. muelleri and/or T. suecica. A fourth diet, consisting of all three microalgal species also performed just as well. Survival alone was a poor measure of the performance of the various diets. Larvae fed with C. calcitrans, either alone or in a mixed diet with either C. muelleri or T. suecica, had significantly slower development and lower dry weight. Overall performance, assessed using the normalized biomass development index, determined that both mono‐specific and mixed diets containing C. muelleri and T. suecica were among the best for M. dalli larvae. These results for M. dalli are consistent with those found for commercially grown penaeid prawns. This study enhances the limited knowledge on the feeding requirements of metapenaeid prawn larvae. Moreover, the results will help improve hatchery methods for the aquaculture‐based enhancement of M. dalli in the Swan‐Canning Estuary and potentially increase the abundance of this iconic recreational species.  相似文献   
This study established a pilot‐scale recirculating treatment system that coupled an ecological process with a biological process to achieve adequate water quality and to minimize the water consumption for intensive marine culture. The recirculating treatment system consisted of a settling cell, a biofilter tank, a bivalve tank and gravel beds. The toxic pollutants, threatening the growth of bivalves, were reduced by the settling cell and the biofilter tank, so that the polyculture of shrimp and bivalves could be achieved. The living bivalve tank could function well as a remover of remaining small suspended solids (SS), and other pollutants. As the SS was reduced to a very low level by bivalve tank before the water flowing into the gravel beds, the risk of clogging was prevented. The studies suggested that the system maintained high removal efficiencies of SS, ammonium nitrogen () and nitrite nitrogen () and could contribute to the increase in shrimp yield.  相似文献   
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